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MEGA SAMPLES VOL-103: The Secret Weapon of Top Music Artists and DJs


Copy number variation. First, we tested samples from 2270 consecutive MEGA subjects (1395 patients and 875 controls). An abnormal MLPA pattern was detected in only 1 individual. This individual was a 66-year-old, female patient not using estrogens or vitamin K antagonists at the moment of thrombosis or sample collection. She had an unprovoked first venous thrombosis. Her family history was not available. The patient was heterozygous for a complete deletion of PROS1. Her total protein S was 64 U/dL (

The most important data of the studied samples and boreholes in SE Hungary and the summary of the results of the archive reports and this study. Samples with available whole-rock (major and trace elements) geochemical data are put in italics and bold while samples with zircon U-Pb ages are highlighted by asterisk (data in Szemerédi et al. 2020). Lithofacies (Lf) description are listed in Table 2


Interpretation. The major mineral assemblage (predominantly quartz and K-feldspar, less plagioclase and rare biotite) of the rocks suggests a rhyolitic composition. The unsorted massive appearance points to a pyroclastic flow (ignimbrite) origin. Oriented, eutaxitic texture indicates high-temperature plastic deformation of the vitroclasts (both pumice and glass shards; e.g., Gifkins et al. 2005a, b). Strong devitrification affected the juvenile fragments, creating high temperature crystallization domains (HTCDs; Breitkreuz 2013). This effect is demonstrated by spherulites inside the fiammes and axiolites at their rims (Fig. 3f). Additionally, incipient to strong welding is indicated by the flattened fiammes and sintering glass shards that determines the observed orientation of the rocks (e.g., Gifkins et al. 2005a, b; Fig. 3a and b), corresponding to the eutaxitic texture mentioned above. Purplish gray color of the macroscopic samples indicates the oxidation of the Fe-phases at high temperature during welding, while the greenish tones point to different degrees of subsequent mineralization (e.g., the formation of celadonite and/or chlorite during secondary alteration processes).

Interpretation. Armored lapilli and pellets are typical in pyroclastic fallout, flow, and surge deposits formed by ash accumulation around coarser crystals (in this case porphyric quartz) under wet conditions (Brown et al. 2012). In this way the sample could be associated with the ignimbrite lithofacies (emLT and rheoLT), most possibly formed in a pyroclastic ash cloud (air-fall ash deposit). Good sorting of the sample (contrary to the poorly-sorted ignimbrites; emLT and rheoLT) also strengthens the aforementioned genetics. Armored pellets are absolutely unique not only regarding the samples of the Battonya area but also all Permian ignimbrites of the Tisza MU.

Reworking of such pyroclastic rocks could result in the volcanogenic sedimentary sequences of the Biharugra and the Tótkomlós areas that are rich in volcanic lithics and sericitized juvenile fragments. These rocks could have been formed in a basin where volcanic and non-volcanic sedimentation occurred at the same time. Such volcanogenic sedimentary rocks are also known from the Western Mecsek Mts within the Cserdi Conglomerate Formation that covers the Permian felsic volcanic rocks in that region (Varga 2009). The various volcanic lithics in lmLT might suggest multiple-phase Permian volcanic activity that was also documented from the Apuseni Mts (Codru NS; Nicolae et al. 2014). In the Tótkomlós-I borehole, the felsic volcanic rocks (drill cores from three distinct depths) have vitrophyric texture, completely spherulitic groundmass and minor broken crystals. Based on these features (with the lack of altered fiammes) it is not possible to interpret the samples unequivocally (ignimbrites or lavas); however, it is the most probable that they represent the ultimate step of the ignimbrite grade continuum as lava-like ash tuffs (vlava-likeT; Branney et al. 1992; Henry and Wolff 1992). However, being part of a tectonic block separate from the Battonya area (Fig. 2), it is also possible that these samples represent a completely distinct (i.e., younger or older) volcanic episode.

Eutaxitic textures with flattened, deformed, devitrified fiammes and glass shards were formed by welding processes (e.g., Gifkins et al. 2005a, b). Irregular, randomly-oriented devitrified juvenile fragments occurring in the samples of the Biharugra and the Tótkomlós areas suggest the lack of welding processes (non-welded pyroclastic or volcanogenic sedimentary rocks; McPhie et al. 1993; Gifkins et al. 2005a, b). However, the devitrification of juvenile fragments occurred at lower temperatures (

Omega fatty acids are essential fatty acids, meaning they are produced only in small quantities in our bodies so they must be ingested primarily through foods. The representative omega fatty acids are omega-3, omega-6, omega-7 and omega-9. Among these, omega-3, which is abundant in fish and soybean oils, has been shown to possess anti-oxidative (4), anti-inflammatory (5), neuroprotective (6), and chemopreventive (7) effects. Omega-6 and -9 have been linked to obesity prevention (8) and anti-inflammation (9).

However, there has been little reported on omega-7 compared with other omega fatty acids. Omega-7, also known as palmitoleic acid (16:1, Cis-9-hexadecenoic acid), is a monounsaturated fatty acid that is found in fishes and plants, such as macadamias, cold water fish, and sea buckthorn berries (10). Previous research has shown that omega-7 can improve cardiovascular function (11) and increase insulin sensitivity (12). However, the effects of omega-7 on the health of skin have not yet been elucidated. Thus, we investigated the physiological activity of 7-MEGATM 500 (purity 50% of omega-7, 7-MEGA) in human keratinocytes, which reside in the main outermost layer of the skin. As expected, we determined that 7-MEGA exhibited anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory effects and improved skin cell regeneration, which suggests it may be useful as a functional food supplement for promoting skin health.

After the cells were treated in the same manner as the method for measuring cell viability, the concentrations of IL-1β and TNF-α in samples of supernatant were determined with ELISA kits (Abcam). In a 96-well plate, 100 μL samples were plated in cell culture medium at room temperature for 150 min. Then, 100 μL biotinylated IL-1β and TNF-α detection antibodies were added and cells were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr. Then, 100 μL HRP-streptavidin solution was added and cells were further incubated at room temperature for 45 min. Next, 100 μL TMB 1-Step Substrate reagent was added and cells were incubated at room temperature for an additional 30 min. The plate was washed between each step. For the final step, 50 μL stop solution was added to the wells without washing and absorbance was measured at 450 nm using a microplate reader (BioTek).

In conclusion, our results suggest that 7-MEGA has anti-inflammatory effects in HaCaT cells, where it promotes collagen regeneration in the presence of H2O2-induced cytotoxicity. In addition, present study was showed that 7-MEGA has higher DPPH free radical scavenging activity and protective effect against cell damage from oxidative stress than PA. We could have expected this result that 7-MEGA, which contains various substances including omega-7, is more effective than omega-7 as a single substance. Our results provide strong evidence for 7-MEGA as a functional food for promoting skin health to prevent aging.

The FLUOstar Omega is a multi-mode microplate reader with three detection modes. It utilises an ultra-fast UV/vis spectrometer or filters for absorbance as well as highly sensitive filters for all other detection modes. The FLUOstar Omega is the ideal plate reader for life science applications. 2ff7e9595c

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